GWS Coffee Break: Great Literature and the Film School Thesis Statement Generator


Friends, I think it’s safe to say that we all have two goals with respect to our writing: to entertain and enlighten.  Whether we’re writing Jack & Jill 2: Twin Killing for Adam Sandler or a piece we hope ends up in Best American, stories and poems and screenplays are borne of our greatest hopes and fears.  There’s a message inside us that we simply must communicate.

The reader, of course, is free to decide what he or she thinks you are trying to say.  Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out the deeper meaning behind the work we enjoy…that’s where the Film School Thesis Statement Generator comes in.  Mike Lacher, creator of the hilarious Geocitiesizer, is here to help. Simply pop a film title into the machine and BAM!  You have the big claim you’re looking for.  See?

film school 1
Hmmm…this makes sense. The Spice Girls were fueled by “girl power” and many of their songs featured narrators who challenged traditional gender roles with regard to romantic encounters.
film school 2
Well, the character’s name is “Tony Stark.” There are stark differences between current and traditional concepts of race and a jump cut is a stark transition.
film school 10
In Bonasera’s funeral home, Don Vito examines Sonny’s body and laments, “Look how they massacred my boy.” See? It’s all about the LOOK.
film school 11
“Pre-Oedipal guilt” is certainly one explanation for that movie.
film school 3
I’m certainly not going to argue against the fact that Adam Sandler movies launch salvos in your face.
film school 4
I think that Columbine must have been on James Cameron’s mind a lot during that lengthy shoot.

This Thesis Statement Generator isn’t just for films!  Look what happens when you experiment:

film school 5

film school 7

film school 8

film school 9

Check out the Film School Thesis Statement Generator for yourself!  Why not leave the results in the comments?




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