About Kenneth Nichols
Here is the work that I have been lucky enough to place with publishers. I am also fortunate to have been included alongside some excellent writers, so please enjoy their work, too!
“First Pitch,” short story, Bad Hombres and Nasty Women of the Border (The Raving Press), forthcoming.
“The Danger of It,” short short story, Flash Fiction Magazine, forthcoming.
“La Gringa Digna,” short story, Suspense Magazine, April 2017.
“Identity Disclosure,” short story, 9Tales Told in the Dark #10, February 2016.
“Those Who Appear to the Peoples,” short short story, Literary Orphans, February 2016.
“What You Want to Know About My Firsts,” short story, Intrinsick, January 2016.
“What You Will Believe When You Are Alone,” short story, ink&coda, January 2015.
“End-of-Course Evaluation,” short story, The Furious Gazelle, May 2014.
“Cerulean,” short short story, CHEAP POP, March 2014.
“Learning to Sling,” short story, Coup d’Etat, January 2014.
“The Confession of the First Poet on Mars,” short story, Prime Number Magazine, January 2014.
“Letter of Resignation,” short story, Lunch Ticket, June 2013.
“Something Like a Sin,” short story, Go Read Your Lunch, June 2013.
“The People I Help Out,” Crimespree Magazine, 2011.
“The Best-Selling Novel of 2042,” Suss: another literary journal, October 2009.
“The Conscientious Enabler,” Words Words Words, December 2007.
“The Return of Arturo,” Bewildering Stories, June 2007.
“Love-Line,” Bewildering Stories, January 2006.
“The Choice,” The Cynic, April 2005.
“No Tears for Death,” Bewildering Stories, January 2005.
“Why Worry?” Excess Compassion, June 2004.
“The Beauty Salon,” Cyberpulp Magazine, June 2004.
“Narrow Hips,” College Crier, Feburary 2004.
“The Note I’ve Longest Missed,” Ella 100 anthology, March 2017.
“Cerulean and Yellow,” poem, Willard and Maple, Issue 18, Winter 2017.
“From Worlds Away,” poem, Anthropology and Humanism, Volume 41, Issue 2, December 2016.
“On Running Into the Mothers of Ex-Girlfriends,” poem, Bird’s Thumb, February 2015.
“Authorial Intent,” poem, text, January 2015.
“When you called,” poem, East Jasmine Review, September 2014.
“The Best Writers Bombed the SAT,” poem, Really System, June 2014.
“Some Kind of Conversion: Half of a Conversation Overheard at Starbucks,” poem, ExFic, May 2014.
“Poem Found Under a Desk During My Undergraduate Days” and “Laser Printer Toner and Pencil on 20-Lb Stock, 8” x 10”, Library Bulletin Board,” poems, Asinine Poetry, 2013/2014.
“Main Street: Flushing,” poem, StepAway Magazine, Issue 9, 2013.
“Michigan-Born Ballplayers: A Haiku Suite,” poem, The Barnstormer, March 2013.
“Chain Armor,” poem, Imitation and Allusion, December 2013. Here is a brief Q&A I did with the editors in which I discuss my influences and how the poem came to be.
Every so often, I’m struck with the desire to write a poem about Ohio State football. You can read these poems on my blog at Eleven Warriors, which is easily the best Buckeye athletics site out there.
“Confrontation,” Main Street Rag, Spring 2013.
“World Premiere: Heartland Music Channel, July 22, 2068,” Big Pulp, January 2010.
“Republican Rhetoric to Improve Your Relationship,” New Verse News, September 2009.
“Chris Sabo,” Hobart (Online Edition), April 2009.
“The Late Edition,” Bewildering Stories, November 2007.
“Dear John,” Bewildering Stories, September 2007.
“History From the Tap,” Ambitions, April 2005.
“Tasting the Stars,” Barcid Homily, February 2005.
“Peek Into Heaven,” Feelings of the Heart, August 2004.
“Loss Alone,” Fuse Magazine, May 2004.
“Ode to the Super Senior,” College Crier, March 2004.
“I Don’t Remember At All,” Great Lake Review, Spring 2003.
“How to Write a Personal Essay in 2017,” humor essay, Juked, forthcoming.
“REVIEW: Blackbirds in September,” criticism, Life and Legends, June 2016
“Is YA Doing For Readers What Literary Fiction Can’t?,” editorial, YA Books Central, February 2016.
“Review: The Doors You Mark Are Your Own” by Aleksandr Tuvim, translated by Okla Elliott and Raul Clement, Serving House Journal, Fall 2015.
“Satirizing War’s Inscrutable Logic: David Abrams’s Fobbit,” criticism, Late Night Library, March 2013.
“Review: Drain by Davis Schneiderman,” criticism, Colorado Review (online), November 2010.
“With Our Help, You Can Have it All: The Rhetoric of the Commercials of Unemployment TV,” literary analysis, PopMatters, July 2011.
“How to Discuss a Book You Didn’t Read,” humorous creative nonfiction, The Open Bar (the Tin House blog), May 2013.
I have a personal essay in Episode 76 of John King’s Drunken Odyssey podcast. You can hear me talk about a book that changed my life, Tom Perrotta’s Joe College. (More importantly, you can hear a cool interview with Richard Blanco!)
“Tom Perrotta,” The Clever Title, May 2009.
“The Five Stages of a Writing Workshop,” Bewildering Stories, January 2008.
“Frankly, Scarlet…,” Syracuse New Times, July 2007.
Love the haiku poems; saw Jim Abbott pitch against the TX Longhorns on a cold March day (mid-1990s), before his days in the bigs.
I really enjoyed reading “What You Will Believe When You Are Alone”. With every “It was never her fault…” I became more and more curious about the ending as you no doubt intended. The last half interested me the most though as I am familiar with someone who had a very similar experience regarding her children misplacing blame. I think she’ll be interested in reading it.
P.S My blog is still under heavy construction but you should really check out the appreciation page. I listed you there a few days ago.