GWS.OMG! Duck Dynasty Guy Fantasized About Violence Against Atheists! Mary Breaks Down Charlize Theron’s Vanity!
The Duck Dynasty guy doesn’t like atheists. Whaaaaaaaaa?
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The Duck Dynasty guy doesn’t like atheists. Whaaaaaaaaa?
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HLN is knockin it out da park today with all of the important news! Did you know that Bruce Jenner bought a new house? And that a fish looks like a Star Wars dude?
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Seriously. This is so craycray. Eva Mendes joked that sweatpants are, like, a big cause of divorce.
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Not even kidding. Idina Menzel dyed her hair blonde. Now she looks just like Elsa from Frozen. Which makes sense. Because she sang the song from Frozen.
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No. Way. Can you believe that Kylie Jenner wore a workout outfit or something? Yahoo!’s Taryn Ryder reports that Kylie knelt on a balcony. Continue Reading